Category: Admin

Closing Interventions

Closing Interventions

With this Intervention Program, interventions need to be closed in order for analysis to include ending grades. A Closing Interventions function is available in PowerSchool>Extended Reports>Functions>Closing Intervention Closing Intervention The closing intervention function will...

Mass Intervention Enrollment

Mass Intervention Enrollment

You can track interventions along with classes associated with the intervention. It allows greater flexibility with better reporting. There are two ways to enter a student into an intervention, individually or in mass. Mass...

PowerSchool BrightArrow

BrightArrow PowerSchool Integration

BrightArrow comes with the ability to make a selection in PowerSchool and call just that selection. Create the selection of students. From the drop down menu Choose BrightArrow Alerts Another window will open logging...

bright arrow List Details

Attendance Calling with BrightArrow

To make an attendance call, log into BA using one of the appropriate accounts that has access to the attendance lists. Review the list for errors and make the call.  The calls already have...

upload SCA excel

Upload Grade Changes to ISBE SIS

  Student Course assignments (student courses and grades earned) are uploaded to ISBE SIS at the end of each grading semester by the Admin for state reporting at the district level. Any registrar grade changes or additions (Student...

ISBE Student Transfer Form

Important: This form is only available to active students in PowerSchool.   ISBE provides a student transfer form(student must be active in ISBE SIS to access the form) for the purpose of providing student transfer...

Screenings: Mass Entry

Screenings: Mass Entry

Instead of entering student screening records individually they can be mass entered by a class or a student selection.


ISBE Course Assignments

SCA-student course assignment CCA-College course assignment OCA-Outside course assignment Due to the ISBE requirements for course assignments all transcripts must be submitted to ISBE each semester. Each building registrar will submit a Webhelp ticket...