Category: Registration


Graduates/Non Graduates

Managing Graduates/Non-Graduates – End of school year – June Counselors must determine which students have met the requirements to graduate and communicate this to the registrar. The student schedule setup page in Powerschool determines...

Graduation Types

Graduation Types

There are different graduation types. Below is a list of different ways to graduate and the procedures around those types. EOY Graduates Students are identified as graduates/non graduates. The school registrar determines graduation date....

Extended Reports - Functions

RCDTS code lookup

Have you wondered which RCDTS number relates to which school? To find out which RCDTS code matches go the following Log into PowerSchool Click on Extended Report Click the Function tab Click RCDTS Codes

Enrollment Dates

Enrollment Dates

Depending on the time of year, different enrollment dates must be used to accommodate student enrollment scenarios. During the School Year School Enrollment When enrolling a student, the enrollment date is the first day...