Tagged: mass_enroll

Add Constitution Tests

Before roll-over each year, Data Specialists must enroll all US Government students into Constitution Test sections. Glenbard keeps track of Constitution Test grades through a specific Constitution Test section. Note: When storing grades for...

Add Behind the Wheel

Before roll-over each year, Data Specialists must enroll all driver’s education students into behind-the-wheel sections. When the schedule is being created all driver’s education students are enrolled into classroom driver’s education. Glenbard keeps track...

Merge ii Students Into Non-ii Sections

Each September, Data Specialists must merge the ii students into non-ii sections. From the navigation menu on the left, click School under Setup Click on Sections under Scheduling Find an ii class.  “ii” will...

Adds & Drops with the Class Roster

Adds & Drops with the Class Roster

The class roster is the central point from which you can view and manage the students enrolled in a specific class. Using the class roster, you can: View the class roster Mass drop students...