Tagged: Searching

Search by Grades/Attendance

One of the powerful, built-in search utilities in PowerSchool is the Search by Grades/Attendance function, which does just what its name implies. Using this tool, PowerSchool can either display the matches that it finds...

Parent Searches in PowerSchool

Parent searches are much different than student and staff searches. This document provides details on searching for parents as well as instructions on running the Mass Comm Guardian Search when on minimal guardian data...

Searching & Browsing for Staff

Similar to the Students Search, users can both browse and search for staff members. The PowerSchool start page defaults to the Students Search screen. Click the Staff tab at the top or click Staff...

Multi-Layered PowerSchool Searches

Multi-Layered PowerSchool Searches

Sometimes you may wish to search for multiple groups of students at the same time. For example, all free or reduced lunch students. If you wanted to limit your results more than just applying...

Smart Search

Did you know that you can make searching PowerSchool easier? Enabling Smart Search will generate a list of all names and PowerSchool fields that match what you are typing into the search bar. For...

Understanding Advanced Searches

Although searching for a last name like Smith is useful there are many other ways to search in PowerSchool. This article is the starting point for learning about advanced searching. There are also many...

Searching for Students

PowerSchool users can either browse to or search for a student or group of students. Browsing is typically used to find any student from a large population. Searching is typically used to find a...

Browsing for Students

PowerSchool users can either browse to or search for a student or group of students. Browsing is typically used to find any student from a large population. Searching is typically used to find a...

Attendance Searches in PowerSchool

Attendance Searches in PowerSchool

You can search for students in PowerSchool & export data using field names but there are also built inquiries and functions in PowerSchool to assist with searches and exports. Students with X amount of...

PowerSchool Searches-Student Scheduling

PowerSchool Searches-Student Scheduling

You can search for students in PowerSchool and export data using field names but there are also built inquiries and functions in PowerSchool to assist with searches and exports. Students not in a period...