Intervention Report

Intervention Report

The intervention report will give information about ongoing programs as well as programs that have ended.  This report will pull the intervention and grade information. If there are multiple courses attached to an intervention,...

Intervention Program Tracking

Intervention Program Tracking

There is a way to track Intervention Program that allows for flexible entry and exit, better data collection, and allows courses to be attached to the intervention. This, in turn, allows the ability to...

Closing Interventions

Closing Interventions

With this Intervention Program, interventions need to be closed in order for analysis to include ending grades. A Closing Interventions function is available in PowerSchool>Extended Reports>Functions>Closing Intervention Closing Intervention The closing intervention function will...

Mass Intervention Enrollment

Mass Intervention Enrollment

You can track interventions along with classes associated with the intervention. It allows greater flexibility with better reporting. There are two ways to enter a student into an intervention, individually or in mass. Mass...

PowerSchool BrightArrow

BrightArrow PowerSchool Integration

BrightArrow comes with the ability to make a selection in PowerSchool and call just that selection. Create the selection of students. From the drop down menu Choose BrightArrow Alerts Another window will open logging...

SmartProcure FOIA

SmartProcure FOIA

SmartProcure regularly submits FOIA requests (schedule unknown).  Canned reports have been setup to fulfill this ongoing request.