Immunization Rules

All of the rules that the system uses to determine compliancy for all vaccines are listed in one place for easy reference.

Student Immunizations

Immunizations can be entered into a student’s PowerSchool record under Health. This is only available to nursing staff.

Lunch Intervention Workflow

Lunch Intervention Workflow

The traditional lunch intervention workflow will include students, all teachers, API/APSS, support staff, and deans. The lunch intervention is based on a students grade and the teachers judgement.  Below is the process for everything to...

Resource Failure Report

Lunch Intervention

Lunch intervention is the effort to help struggling students, by giving those students resource time during lunch. Students will have to spend half of their lunch periods receiving a resource to help them. The...

Course Groups

Course Groups

Course groups represent the courses that are available to a student for a specific request.For example, when eighth-grade students select a ninth-grade elective course for the next school year, they are presented with a...

How to Setup Up a Request Screen

This article will provide a step-by-step guide to set up a request screen. For more information on the request screen please go here. To setup a request screen is done in PowerScheduler.  If PowerScheduler...

Screen Setup

Course Request Screens

Course request screens are the way for a counselor or other staff member to enter requests for a student.  These screens are a guide to help enter, limit the types of courses, and number...



Early Warning System (EWS) is a PowerSchool customization that shows students that are not performing well in attendance, current grades, log entries, and total credit (graduation progress).