Student Office Visits

Office visits can be entered into a student’s PowerSchool record under Health. This is only available to nursing staff.

To get there:

  1. Select a student.
  2. Click Health under the Information heading on the left side.
  3. Click on the Office Visits tab if it is not already selected.

The visit type, date, a reason for all of the student’s office visits are listed in the table on this page.

  • To add a new office visit, click the Add button in the upper-right
  • To update old visits, click the pencil button at the right of that particular visit.
  • To delete an old visit, click the red minus button at the right of that particular visit.

Whether a visit is being added, updated, or deleted, a warning will appear stating that your changes have not been saved. Click the Submit button in the buttom-right to save your work.

Adding/Updating Office Visit Records:

When a new office visit is added, the following fields will automatically fill in; however, these can be updated if necessary:

  • The Provider Name will be set to the current PowerSchool user.
  • The Provider Type will set to School Nurse.
  • The Visit Date will default to the current date.
  • The Visit Time In will default to the current time.

Fill out the remaining fields as needed:

  1. Select the primary reason for the visit from the Visit Type drop-down box.
  2. If the parent has been contacted, click the Contact with Parent checkbox.
  3. In the Issue/Visit Reason text area, type any notes about the case up to 512 characters.
  4. Select the primary disposition from the Visit Outcome drop-down box.
  5. In the Actions text area, type any notes about the resolution up to 512 characters.
  6. Click the Time Out button to populate the Visit Time Out field with the current time.  Note: You may also manually type in any time that is appropriate into the Visit Time Out field.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. When the pop-up window closes after you clicked Add, click the Submit button in the buttom-right to save your work.



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