PowerTeacher iPad App Configuration

This article provides details on how to configure your PowerTeacher iPad app.

  1. Open PowerTeacher on the iPad to bring up the log-in screen.
  2. Click the Settings button in the upper right corner

  3. From the Settings menu, click on the Server menu on the left side.
  4. In the Server Address field type: ps.glenbard.org
  5. In the Port Number field type: 443
  6. Set the SSL Enabled radio button to: ON
  7. Click the Login button in the upper left to return to the login screen.
  8. At the login screen, fill in your PowerTeacher login credentials and click the Login button.

Note: If either the iPad receives updated software or the PowerTeacher app receives an update, it is possible that the server settings will need to be reset according to this article.

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