Approver Profiles
All APAs, APIs, and DCs MUST be set with an Approver Profile.
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
12 Aug, 2013
District can add notes to Absence Reasons that will appear in the Absence Reason drop-down when teachers are entering absences. This is completed using the language translations function in Aesop.
12 Aug, 2013
DCs are responsible for the first level of approval of all teacher absences.
11 Aug, 2013
Teachers can view all absences that have been entered into Aesop and determine their status in the approval process.
9 Aug, 2013
All teachers can enter absences into Aesop, which will locate and schedule substitutes. Go to Frontline and enter your ID and PIN. Under Create Absence, click on the calendar to select the day(s) of...
8 Aug, 2013
Due to ISBE requirements, Glenbard must follow specific procedures when transferring students in-district in order to be compliant with state requirements. When transferring students within the district who have moved and changed school boundaries,...
29 Jul, 2013
If a teacher will be leaving for an extended amount of time a long term substitute will be required. (This process is also used if a long term substitute is exiting and the original...
15 Jul, 2013
Parents can make partial payments through the fee portion of PowerSchool.
15 Jul, 2013
Traveling teachers now have a single set of credentials when teaching at different schools. This means that the teachers will not have to be setup differently if they are traveling. How to setup a...
15 Jul, 2013
Teachers will now have a single log in no matter how many schools the teacher teaches at in the district. Everything is exactly the same except if the teacher is teaching at more then...