Tagged: grades


ISBE Course Assignments

SCA-student course assignment CCA-College course assignment OCA-Outside course assignment Due to the ISBE requirements for course assignments all transcripts must be submitted to ISBE each semester. Each building registrar will submit a Webhelp ticket...

Grade Processing- January/June

Grade Processing- January/June

At the end of each semester grades and transcripts are processed.  Semester Grades Posted (District IT) – Confirm that grades are posted and there are no issues. District office Human Resources department provides a...


National Merit Scholars

In mid September counselors will be notified regarding which students have been recommended as National Merit Semifinalists. Registrars then complete on-line applications for these students (On a per building basis. This is done by...

Junior High Grades

Junior High Grades

Freshman Math and Foreign prerequisite grades from middle school are imported into PowerSchool in the fall of each year for classes taken the prior year. jr high grade import template.xls Via Web Help Desk,...

Level 1

Early Warning System (EWS) Guardian

The Early Warning System (EWS) is a system to your student(s) that are not preforming well. The system is based on four factors, attendance, discipline entries, current grades, and total credit. As students begin...

Level 1

Early Warning System (EWS) Admin

The Early Warning System (EWS) is a system to help identify kids that are not preforming well. The system is based on four factors, attendance, log entries, current grades, and total credit. As students...

Level 1

Early Warning System (EWS) Teachers

The Early Warning System (EWS) is a system to help identify students that are not preforming well. The system is based on four factors, attendance, log entries, current grades, and total credit. As students...

Level 1

Early Warning System (EWS)

The Early Warning System (EWS) is a system to help identify kids who are at risk. The system is based on four triggers, attendance, log entries, current grades, and total credit. All of these...

Enter TCD Grades

Each of the Data Specialists are listed as the teacher for TCD courses. When TCD sends grades to Glenbard, the Data Specialist is responsible for entering the grades into PowerTeacher Gradebook. In a web...