Attendance Searches in PowerSchool

Attendance Searches in PowerSchool

You can search for students in PowerSchool & export data using field names but there are also built inquiries and functions in PowerSchool to assist with searches and exports. Students with X amount of...

Daily Attendance Email

Daily Attendance Email

The daily attendance emails are reports emailed to every staff member that is teaching a section.  The reports detail who was not in class and why. Every day between 10:00pm and 11:00pm emails are...

PowerSchool Searches-Student Scheduling

PowerSchool Searches-Student Scheduling

You can search for students in PowerSchool and export data using field names but there are also built inquiries and functions in PowerSchool to assist with searches and exports. Students not in a period...

Attendance Not Taken Email

Attendance Not Taken Email

The attendance not taken email is a daily email that is sent to administrators showing teachers that have not taken attendance for that day. The email contains the the teacher name, Course and Section,...

PowerSchool Searches – Enrollment

PowerSchool Searches – Enrollment

You can search for students in PowerSchool &amp; export data using field names but there are also built inquiries and functions in PowerSchool to assist with searches and exports. Format: *as_of=<date> Example: *as_of=2/1/2006 Result:...

Special Education Fields

Special Education Fields

This article contains details on special education fields; definitions and where to find them in PowerSchool. To locate these fields in PowerSchool: Open a student account Find the line in the navigation menu called...

Adds & Drops with the Class Roster

Adds & Drops with the Class Roster

The class roster is the central point from which you can view and manage the students enrolled in a specific class. Using the class roster, you can: View the class roster Mass drop students...

Verify Demographics Corrections

When parents submit demographics corrections, the Data Specialist must review and confirm the corrections before they are updated in the student’s records. The Data Specialist should perform this activity daily during the month of...

Overloaded Classes

When creating sections for scheduling, each section can be set to close at max enrollment. Your school may choose not to mark courses to close at max enrollment, so that demand for a particular...