New Student Registration – Staff Review

New Student Registration – Staff Review

When a parent has completed the online registration process (either done at home or in the school), the school leads will review the residency documents in PowerSchool registration and approve the student using this...

New Student Registration – APSS Review

New Student Registration – APSS Review

There will be times where residency cannot be confirmed by the school leads. When this happen the APSS will be notified that there is a student that needs further review. When this happens the...

Resource Management

Resource Management

Resource management has been added to PowerSchool. Resource Management provides the ability to add resources to various courses. This will allow a real-time resources counts for the year. The resource counts are based on...

Notability – Backup and Restore Notes

Notability – Backup and Restore Notes

Notability is an iPad app that is used for note taking and assignments in class. Sometimes, you will need to remove and redownload Notability if there is a problem with the app or the device....