Category: PowerSchool

Entering an Absence

All teachers can enter absences into Aesop, which will locate and schedule substitutes. Go to Frontline and enter your ID and PIN. Under Create Absence, click on the calendar to select the day(s) of...

sub category

Long Term Substitute

If a teacher will be leaving for an extended amount of time a long term substitute will be required. (This process is also used if a long term substitute is exiting and the original...

Choose School

How to Setup Traveling Teachers

Traveling teachers now have a single set of credentials when teaching at different schools. This means that the teachers will not have to be setup differently if they are traveling. How to setup a...

Traveling Teachers

Traveling Teachers

Teachers will now have a single log in no matter how many schools the teacher teaches at in the district.  Everything is exactly the same except if the teacher is teaching at more then...

Business Searches

Business Searches

This article will cover all the business screen values and the common searches to help find the information with ease. Below are many of the pertinent fields on the business screen and the possible...

Enrollment Dates

Enrollment Dates

Depending on the time of year, different enrollment dates must be used to accommodate student enrollment scenarios. During the School Year School Enrollment When enrolling a student, the enrollment date is the first day...

Time Spent in Office Visits

The hours and minutes that students spend during office visits for different types of health issues can be found on this report.

Academic Letter

Academic Letter

Academic letters are awarded annually to students who have a 4.8 or higher semester 1 GPA maintained through quarter 3. End of 3rd Quarter– After grade deadline for teachers (see grading calendar) Powerschool Run...

Mass Comm Guardian Search

This document provides details on searching for parents as well as instructions on running the Mass Comm Guardian Search when minimal guardian data is provided for a search. Guardian Mass Communication Search Use for...