Author: admin

Glenbard Desk/Classroom Phones

Glenbard Desk/Classroom Phones

Your desk phone, or the phone in your classroom, has a few quick steps to use it. You can dial another extension, call an outside number, and check the voicemail.

Mastery Manager Basics

Mastery Manager Basics

Below is a basic guide for using Mastery Manager for logging in, creating new answer sheets, printing answer sheets, scanning sheets, and more. How to log in To Login go to Type in...

Importing Load Constraints

Note: The constraint import is final and cannot be automatically reversed.  If errors are imported, the importer will have to manually delete out errors one by one. Create an import file with the following...

Send Conflicts to Counselors

The Data Specialists will generate a report of conflicts that can be sent to the counselors so that the counselors may follow-up with the students to adjust the following year’s schedule. On the left...

Enter TCD Grades

Each of the Data Specialists are listed as the teacher for TCD courses. When TCD sends grades to Glenbard, the Data Specialist is responsible for entering the grades into PowerTeacher Gradebook. In a web...

Adding and Deleting Sections Per FTE

Adding and Deleting Sections Per FTE

During the scheduling process, the APOs will make decisions about adding more sections are holding less sections of particular courses during the coming year based on FTE. The Data Specialists will make adjustments to...

Run Student Request Tallies

Run Student Request Tallies

The Data Specialist run this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist do not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run a...