Run Student Request Tallies
The Data Specialist run this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist do not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run a...
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
11 Oct, 2012
The Data Specialist run this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist do not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run a...
11 Oct, 2012
During the scheduling process for the coming year, the APO may instruct the Data Specialist that certain courses will not be held during the next year. The Data Specialist will compile a list of...
11 Oct, 2012
The Data Specialist runs this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist does not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run...
11 Oct, 2012
Each year teachers will provide their recommendations for the courses that students should take the following year. The Data Specialist will coordinate retrieving course recommendations from each department and importing them into PowerSchool for...
11 Oct, 2012
Each December, the Data Specialists will assist in delivery of middle school enrollment packets. The level of assistance and data required from PowerSchool will vary from school to school.
10 Oct, 2012
Each October, the Data Specialists will request 8th grader data from the middle schools and format the data for import into PowerSchool. A high-level overview of the 8th grade data import process is as...
10 Oct, 2012
Each September, Data Specialists must merge the ii students into non-ii sections. From the navigation menu on the left, click School under Setup Click on Sections under Scheduling Find an ii class. “ii” will...
10 Oct, 2012
Before Quarter 1 ends, each building’s Data Specialist needs to confirm that lunch and study hall will not be included in the stored grades process and take corrective action if necessary. Click School under...
10 Oct, 2012
Each year the US military will reach out to the schools through guidance for a lists of current students. The Data Specialists will print student lists for guidance. Perform a student search using the...