State Languages
Number Language 000 English 001 Spanish 002 Greek 003 Italian 004 Polish 005 German 006 Algonquin 007 Serbian 008 Korean 009 Pilipino (Tagalog) 010 Arabic 011 Japanese 012 French 013 Samoan 014 Hindi...
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
30 Nov, 2012
Number Language 000 English 001 Spanish 002 Greek 003 Italian 004 Polish 005 German 006 Algonquin 007 Serbian 008 Korean 009 Pilipino (Tagalog) 010 Arabic 011 Japanese 012 French 013 Samoan 014 Hindi...
19 Nov, 2012
The bell schedule has changed for the 2013-2014 school year and forward. This article will set guidelines on when a class can meet during the day. As well as how to translate the old...
12 Nov, 2012
Before roll-over each year, Data Specialists must enroll all US Government students into Constitution Test sections. Glenbard keeps track of Constitution Test grades through a specific Constitution Test section. Note: When storing grades for...
12 Nov, 2012
Before roll-over each year, Data Specialists must enroll all driver’s education students into behind-the-wheel sections. When the schedule is being created all driver’s education students are enrolled into classroom driver’s education. Glenbard keeps track...
8 Nov, 2012
When an off campus student has completed all requirements except for Dr Ed which they are taking privately, they need to be exited from Glenbard’s system for state reporting purposes. They cannot be left...
8 Nov, 2012
*This article may be out of date. If a student is transferring to pursue their GED, please use exit code 10 and the exit comment found on this article.* Due to the ISBE...
8 Nov, 2012
Each year we have students without schedules after school begins. Use the following to prevent this from happening. Use the following student search to find the students without schedules: *number_of_classes <1 Use the following...
8 Nov, 2012
The following procedures must be followed when a student graduates at the end of first semester. Before Graduation the Registrar must: Finalize Semester graduate list. Submit to counselors for verification. Notification to teachers, Semester graduate...