Category: Admin

Merge ii Students Into Non-ii Sections

Each September, Data Specialists must merge the ii students into non-ii sections. From the navigation menu on the left, click School under Setup Click on Sections under Scheduling Find an ii class.  “ii” will...

Print Military Lists

Each year the US military will reach out to the schools through guidance for a lists of current students. The Data Specialists will print student lists for guidance. Perform a student search using the...

Data Support for Back-to-School

Data Support for Back-to-School

In August, students will return to school.  Data Specialists at each building may be required to assist in the following ways: Assist parents with account access & online registration Run schedules for back-to-school week...


Every year, each student must have residency verified electronically or by a guardian. Electronic Verification Each spring students in grades 8-11 and select returning seniors will have their residency electronically verified for the upcoming...

Evacuation Drill Support – South

Evacuation Drill Support – South

The Data Support Specialist at South assists biannually in preparing documents for evacuation drills. The Data Specialist will compile a list of all students, their basic contact information, and their period 3 teachers. Select...

Search by Grades/Attendance

One of the powerful, built-in search utilities in PowerSchool is the Search by Grades/Attendance function, which does just what its name implies. Using this tool, PowerSchool can either display the matches that it finds...

Less Than Six Classes

A full-time student is defined by enrollment in at least six classes. The Less than six classes report will identify students that do not meet the full-time student definition. If students appear on this...

Overlapping Enrollments

Overlapping Enrollments report identifies students that have been enrolled into the same sections for overlapping periods of a single term.Every month, the Data Specialists will receive a Web Help Desk ticket to run the...