Author: admin

Turning off uBlock for a site

If you are running into issues where pages don’t load properly. It is possible that some content is being blocked. It is very easy to turn it off. Click on the red “UB” shield...

Hybrid Learning Attendance

Hybrid Learning Attendance

During hybrid learning, attendance will be taken in a different way. Both teachers and attendance staff will be doing different attendance functions each day of hybrid instruction. Attendance Office Each day there is hybrid...

Searching Activities

Searching Activities

The new activities cannot be searched through the normal search line. To search for activities, please go to the Activities>Search for activities on the start page Log into PowerSchool Click Activities>Search for Activities Enrollments...

Mass Enrolling Activities

Mass Enrolling Activities

With the new activities mass enrolling students into an activity is much easier and can be done without the need for the data department. Activity managers cannot be mass enrolled.

Requesting Time Off

Teachers and other staff that have positions that can be filled by substitutes must continue to request all time off through Frontline. For non-teachers, their personal, sick, and vacation time is all submitted through...

Entering Purchase Orders

In Skyward, authorized users enter POs to authorize the purchase of goods/services and encumber the funds. Note: The district does not issue temporary account access. If you need to create a one time purchase...

Submitting P-Card Activity

Submitting P-Card Activity

Each month, Accounts Payable will upload all p-card transactions.  Card holders will add an account number and receipts in order to submit the transactions.  Supervisors will review all transactions before they are submitted to...

Skyward Mobile App

The company Skyward does provide a mobile app for their Employee Access product.  Glenbard has no control over this app, and it is UNSUPPORTED by Glenbard Technology.