Search by Grades/Attendance

One of the powerful, built-in search utilities in PowerSchool is the Search by Grades/Attendance function, which does just what its name implies. Using this tool, PowerSchool can either display the matches that it finds or create a new student selection for you based on the results of the search.

  1. Click Special Functions under Functions in the navigation menu
  2. Click Search by Grades/Attendance
  3. Verify that your currently selected Term, in the upper-right, matches the time period that you want to search
  4. Choose your search settings (see below)
  5. Click the Submit button
  6. When the search fininshes, PowerSchool will open the Group Functions menu and the number of students that the search found will be listed at the top.
  7. If you would like a report on these students, then List Students, Quick Export, and Exporting Using Template are all great options.

Searching Settings

The table below describes the search options:

Title Location on Page

(see screenshot below)

Which students to include b-First heading on the page You can choose to search against the entire school or a currently selected group of students
 Term  a-Upper-right hand corner Choose any available from PowerSchool history.  Your grade searches will only execute against the selected term
 Minimum # of classes needed to meet search criteria c-Third heading on the page  Students will need to match your search criteria in this many courses before being included in the search results.  Example: If you want a list of students with 3 failures, type a 3 here.

  • Type any number
  • blank-treated as a 0
Scan for this final grade d-Forth heading on the page This option allows you to search for students with specific stored grade letters.  To use this search option, first check its checkbox.

There are two settings on this option:

The first is a drop-down menu with the following choices:

  • “Any =” Will search for students with any of the stored grades entered into the text box.  This is the most commonly used choice.
  • “All =” Will search for students that received ALL of the different stored grades entered into the text box.  Example: If you wanted students that had both 5s and 0s during the same term.
  • “Any ?” Will search for students with stored grades that do not equal at least one of the values entered into the text box.
  • “All ?” Will search for students with stored grades that do not equal all of the values entered into the text box.

The second input is a textbox.  Type the grade values to use in the search seperated by commas. Example: 0,1

Scan for this final grade percentage e-Fifth heading on the page This option allows you to search for students with specific stored grade percentages.  To use this search option, first check its checkbox.

There are two settings on this option:

  1. Choose less than (<), equals (=), or greater than (>) from the drop-down menu
  2. Type in a percentage.  Use 90 either or .9 for 90%
Scan for this citizenship grade f-Sixth heading on the page NOT used by Glenbard.  Leave its checkbox unchecked.  This option allows you to search against citizenship grades.
Scan for Attendance g-Sixth heading on the page This option allows you to search for students with specific attendance records.  To use this search option, first check its checkbox.

There are five settings on this option:

  1. The 1st is a drop-down menu for the attendance mode; Meeting or Daily
  2. The 2nd is a drop-down menu with the attendance codes used in the search. A single specific code can be chosen for the search, but there are also categories of codes to choose from such as All Absent Codes, All Excused Codes, etc.
  3. Next is a drop-down evaluator: <, <=, =, >, or >=
  4. The 4th input is a textbox.  Type the number of periods to use in the search.  Example: All Tardy Codes > 4 will return all students with more than four tardy codes for the specified time period.
  5. Finally you can choose to search all attendance records for the select term or search attendance records from a specific date range
Scan for grades in h-Third from last heading on the page Current grades and historical grades are stored differently in PowerSchool.  For this tool, specify whether you want to search against Historical Grades or Current Grades from the drop-down menu.

Next type the name of the store code in the Store code/Final grade box:

Example: S1 is Semester 1, Q3 is Quarter 3, etc

Scan for all classes enrolled i-Second from lat heading  on the page Choose to search for grades/attendance in classes that students were enrolled in on a specific date or during anytime during the specified term
Results j-Last heading on the page Choose to

a) Make the results of your search become your student selection -or-

b) Display the matching students and sections

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