Multi-Layered PowerSchool Searches

Sometimes you may wish to search for multiple groups of students at the same time. For example, all free or reduced lunch students. If you wanted to limit your results more than just applying one filter such as a list of preregisterd students vs a list of pregistered 9th graders.

With advanced searching, you can add multiple student groups together, filters the current list of students, and even search by multiple fields to get very specific search results.

Adding multiple student groups together in one list

There are times when a list of students is needed but they are completely different, such as a list of students that are either free lunch OR reduced lunch. The key to adding mutliple groups together is the plus sign (+).  The plus sign signifies that act of add to the existing list.

If we wanted one student group in PowerSchool of all free lunch students (lunch_status=free) and all students reduced lunch students (lunch_status=reduced), we could get both of those groups as a single student selection using the following steps:

Enter “lunch_status=free” into the search bar and click the search button

When the results are returned, enter “+lunch_status=reduced” into the search bar and click the search button

The resulting will be a list of students that are either free lunch or reduced lunch.

Filtering Student List

After a search is performed, it is possible to filter those results using the ampersand sign (&).

If we had all pre-registerd students (/enroll_status=-1) and wanted to filter the selection to only 9th graders (/grade_level=9), we would us the ampersand sign.

We would first search all pregeistered students /enroll_status=-1

Once the results appear, we can filter the list to only contain just the 9th graders by searching for “&/grade_level=9”

Important: When using the ampersand sign, there cannot be a space between the & and the actual search query.

We now have a list of pregistered 9th graders.

Search for students that match multiple fields

There may be times when a list of students based on more then one thing is needed.  For example, a search to get all 9th and 10th graders who are also IEP students.  The key to searching by multiple fields is using a semi-colon (;).

If we want all 9th and 10th graders (grade_level in 9,10) who are also IEP students (IL_IEP=1)

We would search grade_level in 9,10;IL_IEP=1

Or if we want the opposite, 9th and 10th graders (grade_level in 9,10) who are also not IEP students (IL_IEP#1)

We would search grade_level in 9,10;IL_IEP#1

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