Concurrent Enrollments
Due to the ISBE requirements for student enrollment, course assignments, and attendance reporting. A student’s record must have their PowerSchool enrollment/FTE/serving school/and courses reflect where they are attending.
TCD Concurrent Enrollments
TCD students (includes any Directions students with TCD in their schedule) will be mass updated prior to the start of the school year.
How to -Mass ADD concurrent enrollments
We use for any students enrolled in TCD
- Archive all *enrolled_in=TC@ enrollments- backup
- Run by School
- Query – *enrolled_in=TC@
- /special functions/group functions/mass concurrent
- Fill in for majority – 8/1- end school year

- After fix any entry dates that are not 8/1
Moving into the school year, Data specialists will maintain TCD concurrent enrollment changes. See:
Concurrent enrollment example:

If a student’s schedule changes from a concurrent enrollment to a regular enrollment (1.0) the concurrent enrollment AND the regular enrollment will need to be exited per the end date of the course and new enrollment created per the start date of the course and new FTE (and the reverse for changes during the school year for 1.0 to concurrent)
CREATE a new single student concurrent enrollment
- Select the school. Edit the current enrollment transfer comment and IL FTE as applies
2. Then…. Create a new concurrent enrollment (example TCD .50)
The Create New Concurrent Enrollment function enables you to create concurrent school enrollments for state reporting purposes. Concurrent enrollments appear on the student’s Transfer Info > Edit Concurrent Enrollment page.
- Find and open a student record.
- Under Enrollment, click Functions. The Functions page appears. Click Create New Concurrent Enrollment. The New Concurrent Enrollment page appears.
- Mass add concurrent enrollments – choose school/query students/special functions/group functions/mass concurrent enroll. (This will only create part of the enrollment record. Finish with edit.)
- sample concurrent enrollment entry:

EXIT a concurrent enrollment (example: student drops TCD)
Exit the existing concurrent enrollment record by editing the record with an exit date and exit comment.
Use functions to exit the current regular enrollment record. Exit date should match the concurrent enrollment exit date.
The exit code should be 17 for any FTE or serving school changes.
Re enroll the student using functions on the day after his/her TCD exit date.
Enrollment code = 04 Transfer in from within district
Re enter the student’s schedule.
Forward to Admin for state reporting for SIS FTE change.
Search by concurrent enrollments
The Search by Concurrent Enrollments special function enables you to search, within a user-specified date range, for students who are concurrently enrolled. You can export the search results into a .csv file.
Searching by Concurrent Enrollments
- On the Start Page, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
- Under
Illinois State Functions, click Search by Concurrent Enrollments.
The Search by Concurrent Enrollments page appears.
Note: The dates in the Start Date and End Date fields reflect the current school year and are inclusive. Records are pulled with at least a start or end date within those date parameters. To see concurrent enrollments for a different a date range, change the dates and click Filter Records.
Reporting Students with Concurrent Enrollments
- Under Students Enrolled In Selected School With Concurrent Enrollments In Another School, select the student(s) to be included in the report.
- Under Selection Controls, click Make Current Selection.
- Click Export Selected Records. A report is generated in .csv format.
Other Concurrent enrollments
There can be other types of concurrent enrollments including students who are part time off campus. Students may have 2 or more concurrent enrollments.