Graduation Types
There are different graduation types. Below is a list of different ways to graduate and the procedures around those types.
EOY Graduates
Students are identified as graduates/non graduates. The school registrar determines graduation date. See procedure ‘Year End Grade Processing‘. Registrars communicate with data specialist to update student-scheduling status for graduates/non-graduates-see procedure ‘Year End scheduling status activities‘. Students are moved to the graduated school in Powerschool during the July rollover process.
Semester Graduates
Semester graduates will be exited in Powerschool after Semester 1 transcripts are completed. See procedure ‘Semester Graduate Procedure‘.
Summer Graduates
Students may earn summer school credit and graduate in August as a result. Registrars must report any summer graduates to the IT admin for state reporting using Webhelp.
Data specialist will exit the student in Powerschool with exit code 06-graduated exit date determined by registrar. Add exit comment-‘Summer graduate’. IT admin for state reporting will update the ISBE graduation cohort data and submit any required summer school grades. Data specialist can then move the student to graduated school. The summer graduate data must be entered before the ISBE deadline for Graduation cohort adjustments (typically mid August).
Graduates any time during a school year
For various reasons students may graduate at anytime during the school year. The data specialist will exit graduated students in Powerschool with state exit code 06-Graduated. Add exit comment – Early Graduate or Late Graduate. The exit date should be the last day of attendance. Send a Webhelp ticket to IT admin for state reporting to exit in ISBE SIS.
Student will remain inactive in their home school for the remainder of the year. Update the schedule setup next school = Graduated school. This will happen in July rollover process.