Upload Final Transcripts to Naviance

Downlaod a bulk PDF from your school’s student information system that contains your transcripts

(File cannot be larger than 15MB)

In PowerSchool

  1. Select graduation_year<2016 (Jr Grad Yr)
  2. Functions
  3. Print the report for this student Transcript_without_rank

In Naviance

  1. Login to Naviance
  2. Click the Multiple Transcript Manager link in the side-bar under Quick Links. Note: A Prepare
    to Upload screen appears where you will learn what you need to do to facilitate the upload of
    multiple transcripts.
  3. Click the Start Uploading button.
  4. Select the transcript type and class year of the file you’re about to upload.
    1. You can either drag-and-drop your transcript PDF or browse and upload it.
  5. Once your file says Upload complete, you will see an option to Begin Matching or Delete the file
    to start over.
  6. Click Begin Matching.
  7. The system will work to match your transcripts to students in Naviance.
    1. Once matching is complete, a Review Transcripts button will appear.Click the Review Transcripts button.
  8. You will see a high-level summary at top of the page, indicating Unmatched, Matched and Added
    to eDocs statuses of transcripts.
  9. You can view subsets of these transcripts by clicking on the different filters or changing to a bigger
    or smaller view. The lower half of the screen shows you the transcripts.
  10. Click on any Transcript to view more details about a specific transcript for a student.
  11. To begin the matching process, click on an Unmatched Transcript.
    1. Note: Unmatched transcripts are highlighted in red.
  12. Begin typing the student’s name in the search for student box. Once that particular student in Naviance
    appears in the drop-down list, click on the student name to select it.
  13. You can click the Next button to continue matching additional students, repeating step 11-12.
    Once you have completed your matching, click X to close screen.
  14. You can also click on the Matched filter to verify or change matched transcripts.(Optional)
    1. Note: Matched transcripts are highlighted in blue. (For single-page transcripts, you can omit
      Unnecessary pages, whereas, for multi-page transcripts, you can omit unnecessary pages,
      unlink or reorder pages as necessary.)
  15. To add matched transcripts to eDocs, click Add Matches to eDocs button on the top right-hand
    corner of the page. You will get an alert asking if you are sure.
  16. Click Continue to proceed.
  17. To save and resume the session or to allow someone else at your school to continue your work,
    click Close. Choose Yes, I will resume this at a later time.
  18. If you’re done working with this particular file and don’t plan to send any more matches from it to
    eDocs, click onClose and choose the option, No, I’m done and don’t need to come back to this.
    This will enable you to upload a new file.
    Once you save and close your session, you can come back to the Multiple Transcript Manager
    to resume your work. If someone else is working on the file at that time, you will see an in-progress
    status and you will need to wait until they’re done.
  19. Next you go through the seniors and send to their final request.


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