Archival of Records

Permanent Record Archival 60 years

Prior to sending records to be digitally stored compare roster book to transcripts. This insures that you don’t miss any students. The records need to be boxed in alphabetical order, by graduation year and should include transcript, test sheet with attendance labels, freshman physical and any accident reports. Each sheet must be single sided. Records are not sent to be digitally stored until 3 years after the class has graduated.

North and West send records even numbered years every other year.

13/14 Classes of 2010 and 2011

15/16 Classes of 2012 and 2013

East and South send records odd numbered years every other year.

12/13 Classes of 2009 and 2010

14/15 Classes of 2011 and 2012

We use Microsystems, Inc. Contact is Christian Ripkey 847-205-5386

Transcript records (pdf files) are then copied to an internal Glenbard share area for access by registrars.

Temporary Record Archival

Junior high school records sent to high school should be destroyed one year after high school graduation, which is five years after junior high graduation. High school temporary files should be destroyed 5 years after graduation. Dropped student files must be kept until students turn 21. These are destroyed after 2 years. Records are shredded at the district office and must be sent per the instruction under Disposal of Records.

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