Data Support for Back-to-School

Data Support for Back-to-School

In August, students will return to school.  Data Specialists at each building may be required to assist in the following ways: Assist parents with account access & online registration Run schedules for back-to-school week...


Every year, each student must have residency verified electronically or by a guardian. Electronic Verification Each spring students in grades 8-11 and select returning seniors will have their residency electronically verified for the upcoming...

Evacuation Drill Support – South

Evacuation Drill Support – South

The Data Support Specialist at South assists biannually in preparing documents for evacuation drills. The Data Specialist will compile a list of all students, their basic contact information, and their period 3 teachers. Select...

Adding A Printer

Adding printers to your machine at school. You can add your printers to your laptop or computer. Select the link below to find out how.

Search by Grades/Attendance

One of the powerful, built-in search utilities in PowerSchool is the Search by Grades/Attendance function, which does just what its name implies. Using this tool, PowerSchool can either display the matches that it finds...

Less Than Six Classes

A full-time student is defined by enrollment in at least six classes. The Less than six classes report will identify students that do not meet the full-time student definition. If students appear on this...