Printing From iPad with the Presto QR code

Printing From iPad with the Presto QR code

You can print from your iPad or iPhone with the Presto QR code Login information: Staff: Same login as PowerSchool Students: Login can be found in PowerSchool under the “Other Info” menu on the...

PowerSchool Contacts

PowerSchool Contacts

Contacts in PowerSchool is a new way to look at student contacts.  Students can have an unlimited number of contacts. This allows parents and staff to add all the contacts that a student needs....

Consolidating Contacts

Consolidating Contacts

PowerSchool contacts work on the idea that there is one version of a contact in the system. This means many contacts need to be consolidated into a single contact. Luckily, PowerSchool has a function...

Charter Bus Request Form

Charter Bus Request Form

Non-athletic Charter Bus Requests are handled through an online form.  The form will go through approval steps and be routed to the bus company for fulfillment.

Check In – iPad

Check In – iPad

How to set up the iPad for the check in system – this should be done daily. Using the iPad that is configured to be used for check in, click this icon  Log in...

Data Dashboard

Data Dashboard

A customization has been created in PowerSchool to enable quicker, on-demand access to information. The Data Dashboard page allows data to be aggregated and charts created based on the data set chosen. Once that...