Waived Status & Demographics
Families are unable to pay for school fees until demographics have been verified. Similarly, students are not joined to the Waived group in Rycor until demographics have been verified.
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
15 Jul, 2013
Families are unable to pay for school fees until demographics have been verified. Similarly, students are not joined to the Waived group in Rycor until demographics have been verified.
8 May, 2013
Student groups in Rycor , such as All Students, grade levels, sports, etc, can be filtered down to only Due Students, Fully Paid Students, or Overpaid Students, in just two clicks.
7 May, 2013
Periodically, emails are sent from the billing system, “Rycor”, such as account statements. There are a specific rules used for determining the emails that will be used when sending notices from the billing system.
13 Mar, 2013
Checks returned as insufficient funds should be marked NSF in Acorn, and then a $20 replacement fee can be added to the account. If declared NSF, checks will appear with a NSF marking in...
11 Mar, 2013
All data from Rycor can be copied directly from Excel which can be useful if the standard reports do not provide all requested data analysis.
18 Dec, 2012
Student Center > Groups > Double-Click Group From Student Groups: Use the tabs to locate the desired Group. Double-click the Group to open the specific ‘Student Group’ window.
18 Dec, 2012
Using the Undo function in Acorn is explicitly for the use of removing a payment that was never made. For example, if a check was hand entered against the wrong student account it would...
18 Dec, 2012
When questions arise about a students account and changes that may have taken place or discrepancies about amounts owed/paid, the first place to look is the student’s account histories.
18 Dec, 2012
Individual items can be removed from a payment plan if required. Typically, fees should only be removed from a payment plan if the parent is making a full payment for that fee or the...