Author: admin

Adding and Deleting Sections Per FTE

Adding and Deleting Sections Per FTE

During the scheduling process, the APOs will make decisions about adding more sections are holding less sections of particular courses during the coming year based on FTE. The Data Specialists will make adjustments to...

Run Student Request Tallies

Run Student Request Tallies

The Data Specialist run this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist do not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run a...

Canceling Classes During Scheduling

During the scheduling process for the coming year, the APO may instruct the Data Specialist that certain courses will not be held during the next year. The Data Specialist will compile a list of...

Run Course Request Tallies

Run Course Request Tallies

The Data Specialist runs this report on a regular basis for the APO’s during the scheduling process. The Data Specialist does not directly use the results of this report. Follow these steps to run...

Recommendations for Next Year

Each year teachers will provide their recommendations for the courses that students should take the following year. The Data Specialist will coordinate retrieving course recommendations from each department and importing them into PowerSchool for...

Merge ii Students Into Non-ii Sections

Each September, Data Specialists must merge the ii students into non-ii sections. From the navigation menu on the left, click School under Setup Click on Sections under Scheduling Find an ii class.  “ii” will...