Remove a Payment Plan After Payments are Made

Payment plans function like no interest loans.  When a plan is added to an account, applicable school fees are considered paid and payment plan installments are setup with corresponding negative paid amounts.  To remove a student from a payment plan, the Reallocate Paid function is used.  Since the student has made payments towards the plan, the convenience fee cannot be removed from the account.


  1. Click Reallocate Paid under Payment on the left side.
  2. There are two colored boxes: Transfer Source in red and Transfer Destination in Green.
  3. In the Transfer Source box, go to the last column called Transfer OUT.
  4. Add up the total amount still due on payment plan installments.  That total amount will need to be taken out of the fees from the Transfer Source
  5. Until the total from step 4 is reached, for each fee that is not the payment plan, type in the exact amount that you see in the Paid column. So if $100 has been paid for registration, then on the registration line you type in $100 in the Transfer OUT column.  Note: Use the fee hierarchy provided by the business office when performing this step.  (i.e. Course fees should be unpaid before registration is unpaid)
  6. The Transfer Source will now be greater than the total in step 4.  Subject the total from step 4 from the Transfer OUT total.
  7. Add the difference back to the last fee that you adjusted.
  8. Now go to the Transfer Destination box, go to the last column called Transfer IN
  9. For each Payment Plan Installment, type the amount in the Due column into the Transfer IN column.
  10. Double check the total Transferred OUT is the same as the total Transferred IN.
  11. Click OK

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