Data Book Table of Contents
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
1 Oct, 2012
One of the powerful, built-in search utilities in PowerSchool is the Search by Grades/Attendance function, which does just what its name implies. Using this tool, PowerSchool can either display the matches that it finds...
1 Oct, 2012
A full-time student is defined by enrollment in at least six classes. The Less than six classes report will identify students that do not meet the full-time student definition. If students appear on this...
1 Oct, 2012
Overlapping Enrollments report identifies students that have been enrolled into the same sections for overlapping periods of a single term.Every month, the Data Specialists will receive a Web Help Desk ticket to run the...
1 Oct, 2012
Data Specialists have the ability to reset parent passwords. This should only be used as a last resort. Parents should always first be directed to self-service options for retrieving lost usernames and forgotten passwords,...
26 Sep, 2012
Constraints define many different relationships between courses, students, rooms, and teachers. Scheduling Constraints are copied from the previous year by district and must be reviewed by each building’s Data Specialist and adjusted if necessary....
26 Sep, 2012
Resources are the objects that can be placed into a master schedule such as courses, students, rooms, and teachers. Resources are copied from the prior year but must be reviewed by each building’s Data...
26 Sep, 2012
The following errors and warnings could appear during the validation of a load. The resolution steps come directly from Pearson. All errors must be resolved. Warnings should be corrected if possible. Error The file...
24 Sep, 2012
When students are added to PowerSchool after the school year has ended but before end-of-year (EOY) processing has taken place, these students need to be entered in a very specific manner in order for...
24 Sep, 2012
Parent searches are much different than student and staff searches. This document provides details on searching for parents as well as instructions on running the Mass Comm Guardian Search when on minimal guardian data...