Author: admin

Change a Student’s Attendance

It may be necessary to adjust a student’s attendance either due to data entry errors or due to late report student withdrawals. Click on Attendance under Academics in the navigation menu. Click on the...

Adding a New Section

Once a course has been activated at a school, the building’s Data Specialist can add sections for the school. A section represents each instance of a course being taught during a year. New sections...

Activating a New Course in PowerSchool

Before a new course can be added to PowerScheduler, that course must first be active in PowerSchool at the building level. Each building’s Data Specialist can activate any course that district has created for...



Membership is the maximum amount of attendance a student can get in a single day.  There are two types of students, full time and part time students.  A full time students is a student...

with form

Withdrawing a Student

When a student is withdrawing from a school, the Guidance Office must provide a completed Withdrawal Notification to the building’s Data Specialist. When the completed form is provided, the student can be withdrawn in...

Enroll a New Student

New students must have a student statistical sheet completed. When the Data Department receives the student statistical sheet, all items have already been confirmed such as name, birth date, residency, etc., and the student...

Online Verification

Online Verification

Parents and guardians are able to log into the parent portal and enter any demographic changes. They can do this any time. At the end of the year parents will have to change or...

IEP Information

IEP Information

Individual education plan (IEP) information is available in several places. Below are directions on how and where to find the information. There is also additional details for individual students on a student page under...

Importing Requests for Next Year

Importing Requests for Next Year

Data specialists have the ability to import schedule request. Importing request can be a quick way of entering many requests at once. The process is simple, but it is very crucial that the information...