Web Help Desk – Request Types

This article details the various Request Types available on Web Help Desk. Choosing the correct Request Type is essential to properly route your request and resolve it as soon as possible.

Directions Technical Support

Available only to staff who work at the Directions Program at the Technology Center of DuPage. Use this for any technical support issues at Directions.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Nick Collazo.

District Office Support Services (Google Apps, PowerSchool, HR & More)

Applitrack & Employee Portal Support

Issues related to the online job application system: Applitrack, or one of the Employee Portals, either Pre-2014 (Employee Portal) or Post-2014 (Skyward).

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Tori Johnson.

District Office Computer Support

Requests regarding a computer at the District Office: typically used for general issues with a computer, such as not booting or if the computer needs an update.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are Nate Dhamers, Maggie Muller, and Nick Collazo.

District Websites & Content Support Issues

Requests about a District-owned website only: incorrect information in the Staff Directory on a website, a page is missing or otherwise has errors, or if you cannot connect to a District website, i.e., if the page times out.

Do not report outages to any Internet website, such as www.google.com. These outages are beyond the control of District 87.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Nate Dhamers.

District Wide Security Systems (Camera System & Door-Key Access)

Issues regarding the camera software (Genetec) at any building or electronic door locks, key cards, and key fobs.
Administrators must use their building’s “Technical Support” Request Type if they wish to have a camera relocated, readjusted, or if a camera is not functioning correctly.

If your request is for access to recorded footage, the request must go to your building’s APO, APSS, or Principal.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Nate Dhamers.

Employee Benefits (HR Related Items)

Any issues relating to employee benefits or other Human Resource items. For example, if there is erroneous information in your profile or your payroll is incorrect.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Tori Johnson.

Financial System Support (Skyward/Acorn/POS)

Issues on any financial system software.

The Lead Technician for these Request Types is John Jameson.

Rycor or Skyward Administrative Changes and Exceptions

Request changes to fees, payments, etc., for individual students.

Rycor or Skyward General Questions

Use this request type if you are encountering non-security-related errors in Rycor. Do not use this ticket for password resets, security changes, or changes to student accounts.

Rycor or Skyward Password Reset or Security Issues

Use this ticket to receive a password reset, obtain a new user account, or change privileges.

Point of Sale & Follett Support

Select this option for the Point of Sale system used in the Bookstore or the Follett textbook tracking system.

Instructional Tech Support (Google, Naviance, Mastery Manager, & Read 180)

Escalated issues related to Glenbard-owned Google accounts, Mastery Manager, Naviance, or Read 180.
Staff members are encouraged to report issues to their building’s Technology Support team to either rule out or repair computer-related problems.

The Lead Technician for these Request Types is Anita Ball.

Mastery Manager Support

Escalated issues related to Mastery Manager.
Examples include being unable to log on after a password reset, not receiving a password reset email or other account-related issues.

Naviance Support

Escalated issues for the online transcript transfer system Naviance. These include login or other account issues and problems with transcripts not transferring.

Plasco Support (now called Hero)

Escalated issues with Hero accounts.
Staff members are encouraged to report issues to their building’s Technology Support team to rule out or repair any problems with a computer or other devices.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Tejas Ambani.

PowerSchool Support Issues

For PowerTeacher Gradebook support, select your building’s Instructional Support option from the above “Request Type” drop-down menu.

If you report a student issue, please include the student’s full name and ID number if possible.

PowerSchool Advance Support Questions & Help With Related Systems

For advanced support questions and assistance with related systems PowerSchool sends data to/from, such as Follett, POS, and other outside services.

If your account is not functioning as expected, please include your user name, password, and details of what is not working.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Tejas Ambani.

PowerSchool District or State Report Request

This request type should only be used for District-Wide reports. (If you only need a report for the students from your school, select the problem type “PowerSchool Student Data Request.”)

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Cindy Tesnow.

PowerSchool Plasco/Follett or Custom Page/Report Request

Issues related to transferring information between PowerSchool and Plasco or Follett systems, or if you wish to have a new page or report created in PowerSchool.
Some common issues include a student’s tardy report not showing in PowerSchool correctly or if there are erroneous fees.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Tejas Ambani.

PowerSchool Security / Access / Password Reset Request

Request access to restricted pages in PowerSchool.

Requests for additional system access must be approved and submitted by your building’s APO – no exceptions.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are Tejas Ambani and Nate Dhamers.

Transportation Support (Versatrans)

Support options related to the Versatrans bus route scheduling system.

The Lead Technician for these Request Types is Beth Dolan-Heipp.

Transportation Issue (Buses, Routes, Pick-Up Times, Missed Stop)

Anything related to an Illinois Central issue, a missed stop, a pick-up or drop-off time issue, a capacity issue, or other bus route-related issues.

Versatrans Data Issue (Maps, Boundary, Demographics)

Any issues relating to a student’s address or demographics, the map data or boundary, and other issues.

Web Help Desk Support Issues

Any back-end type issues related to the Web Help Desk system. This includes misspellings of your name, login, or email address. You can correct issues related to your assigned building or room location by viewing your Web Help Desk User Profile.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Nate Dhamers.

District Office Maintenance

Requests related to building maintenance issues at the District Office.

The Lead Technician for this Request Type is Beth Dolan-Heipp.

District-Wide Pending Issues

Used by the Glenbard Technology Services department. Any District-Wide issue that all techs should be aware of.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are Nate Dhamers, Maggie Muller, and Nick Collazo.

Email Report

For “back-end” use only. Do not use this to create or re-assign tickets.

Building Support Options

These Request Types are for technology or maintenance support at your local building.
Each building is labeled accordingly:

GE = Glenbard East

GN = Glenbard North

GS = Glenbard South

GW – Glenbard West

(Each school has the same support options; we will use “GX” as an example.)

GX Instructional Support (Gradebook, iPad, Google, AV & Web Services)

Any issues related to Instructional Technology at your building. This includes support with most audio/visual (AV) services, Google account password resets and general assistance, school website assistance, using your iPad, and some issues related to using PowerSchool or Gradebook.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = RJ Kasicki

GN = Eric Sundquist

GS = Stephanie Wallace

GW = Margaret O’Connor 

GX Maintenance Support (GCA – Custodial & Facilities Issues)

Use these Request Types to report maintenance, custodial, or ventilation-related issues at your local building.

[Building] Maintenance

Support for local building custodial and maintenance issues.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = John Acosta

GN = Jesse Grado

GS = Juan Alcantara

GW = Luis Hernandez 

[Building] Maintenance Boiler System

Support for the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. Most faculty and staff will need to use the “GX Maintenance Support” Request Type instead, and their request will route to the proper Technician by their building’s foreman.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = Charles Murphy

GN = Robert Bogda

GS = Nestor Sosa

GW = Fred Muller

GX PowerSchool Student Data Request (Photo Issues, Reports & Data Request)

Assistance with student or staff photos and any building level reports or data that are needed.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = Damien Baez

GN = Ginnie Paoletta-Godinez

GS = Damien Baez

GW = Ginnie Paoletta-Godinez

GX Technology Equipment Loan Request

Request a loan of your District provided laptop during the Summer Break. A new request must be made every year. All faculty and staff, including Administrators, who wish to use the device outside of the Glenbard network during the summer must make a request. iPads provided as part of the 1:1 Program are exempt from this requirement. Laptops and iPads from a shared cart are not exempt.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = Armando Cabral

GN = Nick Rieber

GS = Michael Miller

GW = Carlos Narvaez

GX Technology Support (Computer, Phone, Network & Other Hardware Issues)

Request assistance with most technology-related items at your building.
This includes District-provided computers, printers, network access (wired and WiFi), projectors, and Cisco desk phones. The building technicians can provide only limited support with website issues and other District services, including PowerSchool.
If unsure that your issue is covered under this Request Type, create a ticket anyway. It will be re-routed to the proper type by a Technician. The Technician will then inform you of the proper Request Type to use in the future.

The Lead Technicians for this Request Type are:

GE = Armando Cabral

GN = Nick Rieber

GS = Michael Miller

GW = Carlos Narvaez

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