Student Accident Report Form

Purpose: A student accident report is completed for all students who sustain an injury during the school day or while participating in school sanctioned sports, clubs, and other activities. The accident report is sent to the District Office. District Office sends accident report and information related to Glenbard’s student accident insurance program to the parent.

The Student Accident Report form captures data about student accidents, routes for approval, sends a copy of the report to district and allows for tracking of follow-up on a report.

The Workflow

  1. Initiate the Student Accident Report form:
    1. If the initiating staff member is not a nurse or trainer: Forms route to the nurse (for school day and non-interscholastic sport injuries) or trainer (for interscholastic sport injuries) for their update, review and either approval or rejection. If approved, form will route to APO or APA for approval.
    2. If the initiating staff member is a nurse or trainer: Forms route to the APO or APA for approval. After the nurse/trainer has submitted to the form it will route to the APO/APA for approval.
  2. APO or APA approval: After APO or APA approval, the form will route back to the nurse or trainer giving them a final opportunity to make updates to the form & then submit to District Office for processing.
  3. District Office processes insurance claim information: A PDF of the accident report is sent to the District Office. The completed accident report will be sent to the parent along with claim information for Glenbard’s student accident insurance plan.

Start a Report

  1. Follow this link to or click Glenbard eForms on Glenbard Tech Services.
  2. Click the Student Accident Form link under District Forms.
  3. Sign in with your PowerSchool credentials.
  4. Select a school from the School drop-down
  5. Type either the Student’s ID, Last Name, or First Name and click the Lookup button
    1. The matching student’s ID, Last Name, First Name, and Grade will be filled in.
    2. If there are multiple matches a pop-up will appear.
    3. Select the desired student and click OK.
  6. Fill out the remainder of the prompts in Part A
  7. If you are a nurse or athletic trainer, select Yes for the last question; Are you a nurse/athletic trainer?
    1. This will provide you with the opportunity to fill out part B.
  8. Click Submit

Witness Statements (Witness, Nurses, Trainers, APOs, or APAs)

Since the average teacher will not have regular witness statements to provide, they will not be required to be trained on the logging into eForms Manager, checking their queue, and updating Student Accident Reports.

Witness Initiated Form

If the witness is completing a Student Accident Report, a separate statement is not required.

Nurse/Trainer Initiated Form-Reported to Nurse/Trainer by Witness

If a nurse/trainer is initiating a Student Accident Report after communicating with a witness, the witness statement should be collected during the first conversation.

Nurse/Trainer Initiated Form-Reported to Nurse/Trainer by Third-Party, Non Witness

  1. If a witness statement is required by someone other than the staff member completing the student accident report, contact the witness by phone or email.
  2. Wait to collect the witness statement
  3. Once the witness statement is collected, the Nurse, Trainer, APO, or APA can update the report with the witness statement directly below the witness’ name. (The staff member updating the form will depend on who the form is currently assigned to.)

Approve a Report (Nurses, Trainers, APOs, or APAs)

  1. Follow the link in your email to open Glenbard online forms
  2. Sign in with your PowerSchool credentials.
  3. Click eForm Review from the left hand side (click the Refresh button if your forms do not appear)
  4. Click View on the form that needs action.
  5. Review the report and provide comments in the Approver’s Comments field
  6. Click Submit

Final Review by Nurses/Trainers

  1. After APO/APA approval, an email will be generated letting you know of the approval.  You have another opportunity at this point to provide update to Part B.
  2. Follow the link in your email to open a report needing your approval
  3. Sign in with your PowerSchool credentials.
  4. Provide any necessary updates/set a follow-up date.
  5. Click Submit

View Completed Forms (Nurses, Trainers, APOs, or APAs)

After a form is completed, a PDF is generated and stored in a repository.

  1. Follow this link to
  2. Click the DocRecord link at the top
  3. Sign in with your PowerSchool credentials.
  4. There are a couple ways to locate a form
    1. If you have a student ID or student name you can search for the form from the homepage
      1. Type the student ID or name in the search bar at the top
      2. Hit the Return button on your keyboard
      3. Double-click on the form you wish to view
      4. When you are done with the form, click OK to close the form
    2. If you don’t have a specific student to view, you can view all forms submitted for your building
      1. Use the arrow to the left of the Root folder to expand the folder
      2. Use the arrow to the left of the your building folder to expand the folder
      3. Use the arrow to the left of the Student Accident Reports folder to expand the folder
      4. Click on the Athletic or Non-Athletic folder to view the queue
      5. Double-click on a form you wish to view
      6. When you are done with the form, click OK to close the form