Navigating Nurses’ Pages in PowerSchool
The following is quick reference guide of where all of the nurses tools can be found.
Functions Specific to a Single Student:
- Select the student.
- Click Health from the menu on the left under the Information Heading.
- Click on one of the following tabs in the center of the page:
- Immunizations: Record and update dates each dose of a vaccine was given. Use the link on this page to print a record of a student’s vaccine records.
- Office Visits: Record, update, or delete office visit records.
- Screenings: Record, update, or delete health & vision screening records.
Reports & Functions for Multiple Students:
- From the PowerSchool start page, click Extended Reports under the Functions heading on the left.
- Click on the Health tab.
- The Health reports are broken down under the following headings:
- Immunizations:
- Locate students that are non-compliant for vaccines
- Office Visits:
- Run graphs of office visit types and dispositions
- Search through all student office visit records
- Locate today’s office visit records that are missing a time-out or disposition.
- Determine the amount of time being spent in office visits for different types of health conditions.
- Screenings:
- Search students’ screening status.
- Immunizations: