Junior High Grades
Freshman Math and Foreign prerequisite grades from middle school are imported into PowerSchool in the fall of each year for classes taken the prior year.
jr high grade import template.xls
Via Web Help Desk, the school registrar will send technology a spreadsheet with grades containing the following fields:
- Student_number
- Course_name
- Credit_Type
- Excludefromclassrank
- excludefromgpa
- Excludefromhonorroll
- Earnedcrhrs
- potentialcrhrs
- gpa_addedvalue
- Gpa_Points
- Grade
- Gradescale_Name
- Grade_Level
- Storecode (S1,S2)
- Year (2016-2017)
Technology will need to update the spreadsheet in the following ways:
- Add a SchoolName column = Junior High School
- Change Year to term id and update accordingly
- Perform a data quality check and look for outliers
- Save as tab delimited
- After import remove Course Numbers
Run an import to historical grades to the school. Consider importing to test first to ensure no errors will be encountered in Production.