Notability – Backup and Restore Notes
Notability is an iPad app that is used for note taking and assignments in class. Sometimes, you will need to remove and redownload Notability if there is a problem with the app or the device....
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
10 Feb, 2017
Notability is an iPad app that is used for note taking and assignments in class. Sometimes, you will need to remove and redownload Notability if there is a problem with the app or the device....
Gradebook / iPad / PowerTeacher
12 Feb, 2013
This article provides details on how to configure your PowerTeacher iPad app. Open PowerTeacher on the iPad to bring up the log-in screen. Click the Settings button in the upper right corner From the...
20 Sep, 2012
Students, including returning and graduating seniors, must have their scheduling statuses appropriately set for the following year. This is a responsibility of each building’s Data Specialist to be performed at year-end before the roll-over...