Opening PowerSchool Exports in Excel
Do you have questions about how to take a PowerSchool export file and open it in Excel? Then this is for you. Mac OS X Safari Currently, Safari does not have the functionality to...
Documents Organized, Centralized and Shared
24 Sep, 2012
Do you have questions about how to take a PowerSchool export file and open it in Excel? Then this is for you. Mac OS X Safari Currently, Safari does not have the functionality to...
13 Sep, 2012
Exports from PowerSchool are used to move data into Excel for reporting and also when other systems need PowerSchool data. Create a selection of students by clicking or searching on the Search Students page....
13 Sep, 2012
When large amounts of data need to transferred into PowerSchool, Data Specialists use the importing process. The import process is irreversible. Always try your import on the test server first before importing to Production. Create...