Student Transfers- Directions Program

Due to the ISBE requirements for student enrollment and attendance reporting students in the Directions Program must have their Powerschool enrollment reflect where they are attending which includes concurrent enrollments.

  1. The home school (APSS/Guidance Director) and/or Principal of the Directions Program initiating the change in a student’s enrollment notifies /Registrar/Data Specialist that the student will be changing enrollment and the effective dates. Directions Principal or assistant will submit a webhelp request to the data specialist for the enrollment change with effective dates and the student’s schedule. Also indicate if TCD will be in the student’s schedule or TCD is being dropped from the schedule.
  2. Data Specialist- Exit student enrollment using state exit code 17 (Change in serving school). You must enter an exit comment of ‘Exited to attend Directions or Exited Directions to attend home school’. Exit/enroll dates must be 1 day apart.
  3. Data Specialist- Assign ticket to PowerSchool admin for state reporting for the student exit in ISBE SIS system. Indicate that this is a Directions Program transfer along with details of the transfer.
  4. When the enrollment is exited at the state (the Data Specialist will receive an email from Web Help ). The student can then be re-enrolled using state entry code 04- Transfer in from within District. Use entry comment ‘Attending the directions program 0.50 / GBS 0.50 if taking a TCD course.  or ‘Returned to home school from Directions Program’. Enter the student’s schedule.
  5. Ticket assigned to the admin for state reporting for update of the PowerSchool directions student indicator,enrollment type, and se program.  – Send .50/.50 enrollments to ISBE if the student is enrolled in a TCD program.

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