Author: admin

logent 1

Discipline Log entry-ISBE

Per ISBE requirements discipline incidents related to in school suspension, out of school suspension, and expulsions must be reported to the state. Discipline entries are exported to ISBE from the district IT department weekly...


Homeless Indicator

Homeless students must be entered in Powerschool for ISBE reporting. (The homeless indicator is cleared at the completion of each school year in July during the Powerschool rollover process.) This function is currently performed by...


PowerSchool Security setup

To setup a staff member in PowerSchool please follow the directions below When setting up a staff member, make sure one full day has passed after the staff member has been added to FirstClass....

jr high 1

Importing Junior High Grades

Grades earned in Junior High must be imported to Powerschool -stored grades in order to be part of a student’s transcript record. Example: Importing Junior High Grades (Algebra and Level 1 Foreign Language) In...


National Merit Scholars

In mid September counselors will be notified regarding which students have been recommended as National Merit Semifinalists. Registrars then complete on-line applications for these students (On a per building basis. This is done by...

Upload Final Transcripts to Naviance

Upload Final Transcripts to Naviance

Downlaod a bulk PDF from your school’s student information system that contains your transcripts (File cannot be larger than 15MB) In PowerSchool Select graduation_year<2016 (Jr Grad Yr) Functions Print the report for this student Transcript_without_rank...