Absences/Substitute Records: Export and Quality Control

Frontline contains teacher absences and substitutes pay information. Prior to each payroll run, these records need to be downloaded and imported to Skyward to update time off balances and create substitute pay.

Export the File

  1. Reports > Report Writer
  2. In the Absence Data section, find the report titled *Skyward Q Export.
  3. Click Run with New Filters.
  4. Change the Start and End dates. Click Run
  5. Under Output Types, select only Excel Compatible (csv). Click Run.
  6. Open in Excel and follow the quality controls in the next section.

File Quality Control

Missing Employee/Substitute Identifiers

  1. Filter column D, “Employee External ID 01”, to blanks.
  2. If there are rows here determine if they are teachers or vacancy profiles. Then go into that record and update the External ID 01 field.
  3. Remove your filters.
  4. Filter column M, “Pay Rate”, to non-blanks to get all the substitute records. Filter column C, “Substitute External ID 01”, to non-blanks.
  5. If there are rows here go into the Substitute’s record, and update the External ID 01 field.
  6. Remove your filters.

Cert subs being paid as non-cert

  1. Filter column N, “Title”, to include everything except “Instructional Aide” & blanks.
  2. Then filter column I, “Pay Code”, looking for Non-Certified pay codes.
  3. Research any records found and correct in Frontline.
  4. Remove your filters.

Cert vacancies being paid as non-cert

  1. Filter column E, “Absence Reason”, to “Vacancy Position”.
  2. Filter column K, “Employee”, to only include teaching assignments.
  3. Then filter column I, “Pay Code”, looking for Non-Certified pay codes.
  4. Research any records found and correct in Frontline.
  5. Remove your filters.

Non-cert subs being paid as cert

  1. Filter column N, “Title”, to include only “Instructional Aide”.
  2. Then filter column I,”Pay Code”, and look for Certified pay codes.
  3. Research any records found and correct in Frontline.
  4. Remove your filters.

Non-cert vacancies being paid as cert

  1. Filter column E, “Absence Reason”, to “Vacancy Position”.
  2. Then filter column K, “Employee”, non-certified vacancy profiles.
  3. Then filter column I,”Pay Code”, and look for Certified pay codes.
  4. Research any records found and correct in Frontline.
  5. Remove your filters.

Other Quality Control

  • Ensure any recently hired substitutes have their substitute assignments set up.