Collaboration Scanning VS Check In/Out

PowerSchool has two scanning customizations available, Collaboration Scanning and Check In/Out scanning. These two scanning options are designed to solve two different issues, and they solve them in two different ways. These two options work alongside each other.

Collaboration Scanning

Collaboration scanning is only meant for scanning students who are present during Collaboration hours. These scans are then processed section by section, using a special function in PowerSchool, into absent and open collaboration hour (OCH) attendance codes. If a student is allowed open collaboration hour and is not present, they are assigned an OCH code. If a student does not have open collaboration permissions, they will be marked absent

Check In/Out Scanning

Check-in/Out scanning is meant for office visits. Students can scan themselves in when they arrive and out when they leave. When a student scans out, the time stamps are processed, and based on those times, the location-specific code is entered into attendance. The attendance codes span will span across periods and sections based on scan-in time and scan-out time. This feature has since been expanded to allow location scanning without the attendance entry.

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