Exit Code/Comments Guide

When a student exits a school, the Data Specialist/registrar must input specific ISBE exit codes and exit comments. The following is a guide to how those codes/comments should be formatted.

ISBE Exit Codes:    Do not use code 11-Moved. 12/2020 Do not use 14- Aged out per Dawn Langdon,Aged out students ,use exit code 06-Graduated.

School year 21-22 only – Due to the covid 19 pandemic students may enroll that are 22 years old or more.

ISBE CODE Value ISBE DESCRIPTION Glenbard Note Dropout
02 Transfer to another public school within the district A student who transfers out of a public school to another public school within the same district. (Home School changes within district, Serving School may or may not change) (Reason for the transfer is NOT because the student is the victim of a violent crime. See also exit type code 16.)
03 Transfer to Home Schooled A student who transfers out of a public school to be home schooled by parents, seeking a regular high school diploma. A school or LEA must have “official written documentation” that a student has transferred to another school or to an educational program that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma. Student exits school to attend full-time home school.  This does not apply to part-time home school and part-time Glenbard school.
04 Transfer to Private School A student who transfers out of a public school to a private facility, seeking a regular high school diploma.A school or LEA must have “official written documentation” that a student has transferred to another school or to an educational program that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma. Use for transfer to a private school or an Online School
05 Promotion The practice of promoting a student from one grade to another grade.Pre-K student will be 5 on or before September 1 of the next school year and will be age eligible for kindergarten. Used primarily at end of year mass exit – ISBE.
06 Graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalaureate, or other type of diploma A student who has received a regular high school diploma upon completion of state and local requirements for both coursework and assessment or a high school diploma from a program other than the regular school program. Only use if a student is confirmed as a graduate per this definition.
07 Death A student whose membership is terminated because he or she died during or between regular school sessions. A school or LEA must have written confirmation that a student is deceased.  A letter from a parent or obituary is sufficient documentation.  “Official written documentation: of a student’s death, such as death certificate is not necessary
08 Expulsion A student who left school involuntarily due to an expulsion approved by appropriate school authorities. Very infrequently used.  This is monitored at the district level and should match a disciplinary expulsion record in log entries.
09 Dropped Out A student who stops attending school for reasons and a specified length of time considered by the state or district to constitute “dropping out.”   (Counts as a dropout) Counts as a drop out
10 Transfer to GED program A student who has transferred to a GED program prior to the completion of his or her secondary education. (Counts as a dropout) Counts as a drop out
11 Moved, not known to be continuing A student who has moved outside his or her attendance area and is not known to be continuing his or her elementary or secondary education. (Counts as a dropout) DO NOT USE Counts as a drop out
12 Retained in same grade or demoted to a lower grade The practice of not promoting a student to the next grade level at the end of the regular school session or of demoting a student to a lower grade.Pre-K student will be 5 after September 1 of the next school year and is not age eligible for kindergarten.Pre-K student will be 5 on or before September 1 of the next school year but has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that requires him/her to receive services in a preschool program the next school year. Used for Returning Seniors
14 Aged Out Reached the maximum age for special education services through the age of 21 inclusive. i.e. through the day before the students’ 22nd birthday. (Applicable only for students with an IEP) Use this exit code for any student aging out (exit the day before their 22nd birthday). Counts as a dropout /20-21 Glenbard no longer using, use 06 Graduated
15 Certificate of Completion Completion of high school through a certificate of completion. (Applicable only for students with an IEP) Not typically used.Contact Director of Sped services with questions student may re enroll after using this code (transition pgm)(less than 22 y/o)
16 Victim of a Violent Crime A student who transfers out of a public school to another public school within the same district. (Reason for the transfer is because the student is the victim of a violent crime as defined in Section 3 of the Rights and Crime Victims and Witnesses Act (725 ILCS 120/3), and the crime occurred on school grounds during regular school hours or during a school-sponsored event. See also exit type code 02.) This exit code would be generated by an APSS if a student is enrolled in another school due to a violent crime.
17 Change in Serving School or Full Time Equivalent (FTE) A student’s serving school has changed or the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) has changed. (Home School remains the same, serving school may or may not change) This is primarily used for students who move on and off campus and/or their FTE changes. Also used for our internal Directions program.
18 Moved Out of the United States A student who has moved out of the United States, to another country. (School enrollment status may or may not be known.)A school or LEA must have written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country, but need not obtain “official written documentation”.
19 Transfer to another Public School District OUTSIDE OF ILLINOIS A student who has transferred to another public school district that is located outside the state of Illinois, student is seeking a regular high school diploma. A school or LEA must have “official written documentation” that a student has transferred to another public school district or to an educational program outside of Illinois, that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma.
20 Transfer to another Public School District IN ILLINOIS A student who has transferred to another public school district that is located in the state of Illinois, student is seeking a regular high school diploma. A school or LEA must have “official written documentation” that a student has transferred to another public school district or to an educational program outside of Illinois, that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma.
99  Erroneous Erroneous enrollment

August Exit Enrollment process

Incoming freshmen – no shows -exit code 99 erroneous, exit date = 8/1

Students not returning – exit code = IL exit code, exit date = 8/1

Webhelp ticket to Cindy for cohort adjustment

(6th day count prep)

Exit no shows using 8/1 exit date, erroneous unless an exit code is provided

Exit after attending at least 1 day –  Exit student per their exit date

After school begins (excludes 6th day exits)

In late August the ISBE exit batch will automatically exit students – no tickets to Cindy unless transfer to another Glenbard school, Directions, off -campus, grade level change,FTE change,etc.

Exit Comments

If the student moved:


Moved. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL

If the student is home schooled:

Home schooled

If a student is dropped at the 6th-day count:

6th-day count drop

6th-day count drop. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL (if you find out where he transferred to)


Dropped. 6th-day count

Dropped. 6th-day count. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL (if you find out where transferred to)

If a student passes away:


If the student drops out:


Dropped out

Dropped. NAT

Dropped out. NAT

Dropped. GED

If a student is transferring to another Glenbard School:

Moved. Transferred to North, South, East, West – written out

Moved. TTN, TTS, TTE, TTW – abbreviated

Permission Letter. Transferred to North, South, East, West – written out

Permission Letter. TTN, TTS, TTE, TTW

If the student is in the Assisted Program but transferred to a facility:

Assisted Program. Transferred to Little Village; Palatine, IL

If a Freshman doesn’t enter the school:


DNE. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL (if you find out where he transferred to)

DNE. 6th-day count drop

DNE. 6th-day count drop. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL (if you find out where he transferred to)


DNE. Dropped. 6th-day count

DNE. Dropped. 6th-day count. LaGrange Twnshp HS; LaGrange, IL (if you find out where he transferred to)

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