A Summary of PowerScheduler Resources

Resources are the objects that can be placed into a master schedule such as courses, students, rooms, and teachers. Resources are copied from the prior year but must be reviewed by each building’s Data Specialist and adjusted if necessary.

Course information

  1. Click on Courses under Resources from the navigation menu
  2. Click on Preferences from the drop-down menu in the very upper-left hand corner
  3. All of the courses will be listed on the left hand side. Click on a course and make any desired adjustments.
    Important fields to verify are:

    1. Schedule This Course
    2. Use this Course for Lunch
    3. Maximum Enrollment
    4. Close Section After Max
  4. Click Submit

Student information

  1. Click on Students under Resources from the navigation menu
  2. Click on Preferences from the drop-down menu in the very upper-left hand corner
  3. All of the students will be listed on the left hand side. Click on a Student.
  4. Make any desired adjustments.  Important fields to verify are:
    1. Next Year Grade
    2. Priority
    3. Schedule This Student
    4. Year of Graduation
    5. Next School Indicator
    6. Next Year Team (if Glenbard East)
  5. Click Submit

Rooms information

  1. Click on Rooms under Resources from the navigation menu
  2. All of the rooms will be listed in a table on the next screen
  3. Click on a room number
  4. Make any desired adjustments.
    Important fields to verify are:

    1. Department
    2. Use for Scheduling
    3. Department Use Only
    4. Room Maximum
  5. Click Submit

Teacher information

  1. Click on Teachers under Resources from the navigation menu
  2. Click on Preferences from the drop-down menu in the very upper-left hand corner
  3. All of the teachers will be listed on the left hand side. Click on a teacher.
  4. Make any desired adjustments.
    Important fields to verify are:

    1. Department
    2. Maximum Consecutive Periods
    3. Schedule This Teacher
    4. Team Code (if Glenbard East)
  5. Click Submit


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