PowerSchool Security setup

To setup a staff member in PowerSchool please follow the directions below

When setting up a staff member, make sure one full day has passed after the staff member has been added to FirstClass.  This will help to insure that the account is ready for PowerSchool

  1. Create the staff member or search for the staff member
  2. Click on Security Settings
  3. Check Sign in to PowerTeacher
  4. Click LDAP Lookup

  5. A popup window will appear.
    1. If it does not appear, make sure the browser is not blocking popups
    2. Also check to see if the popup open behind or underneath the current window
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the popup and check the box next to Update Username for Teacher and Admin

    • If this box does not appear, then there were no matches
    • If it has not been a full day after the staff member has been entered into PowerSchool, they will not be found
    • Check the staff members spelling. If FirstClass and PowerSchool have different spelings, the staff member may not be found
  7. Review the options and select the correct person
    • Be sure to double check the first and last name before selecting
      LDAP Teacher Staff Directory Lookup and Staff
  8. Click the select next to the correct match
  9. Adjust the School Affliations section
  10. Add the school the staff member is a part of, if it is not already present
  11. If this is a traveling teacher, add additional schools
    1. The Home School will be the school the teacher is mostly attends
    2. If it is equal then the home school will be where the teacher eats lunch
  12. Click Submit
  13. If the staff member needs PowerSchool Admin, Click Admin Access and Roles
    • Starting the 2014-2015 school year all teachers will have access to PowerSchool Admin
  14. Add the schools the staff needs to access.
    1. Only traveling teachers and district staff will have more then one school
  15. Click submit