Fees Waived & Lunch Status

This article describes the lunch and financial assistance fields in PowerSchool.

The locate these fields in PowerSchool:

  1. Open a student account
  2. Click Custom Screens from the navigation menu
  3. Click Business Office Screen (second from the bottom)
Field Values
Fee_Status Waived=Waived (<=130% fed poverty guideline)

185=Waived (131-185% fed poverty guideline)


Fee_date The date on which the status or notes are changed in the following format: yyyymmdd (i.e. May 1, 2010 = 20010501)
Fee_notes Notes that will show on the letter to the family
Fee_notes_private Internal notes for the district.  This will not print on letters to the families
(replaces free_lunch and reduced_lunch)



Lunch_date The date on which the status or notes are changed date
in the following format yyyymmdd
(ex May 1, 2010=20100501)
Lunch_notes Notes that will show on the letter to the famiy
Lunch_notes_private Internal notes for the district.  This will not print on letters to the families