Websmartt Export
The lunch system serves both student and teachers. Two files are uploaded daily. Both preregistered and current students are uploaded
All students have the alternate site of directions.
Fields Exported:
- schoolid
- student_number
- first_name
- last_name
- mailing_street
- mailing_city
- mailing_state
- mailing_zip
- home_phone
- gender
- grade_level
- dob
- fc_email
- ethnicity
- age
- lunch_status
- 5-6 classroom
- mother
- bus_am
- family_ident
- residency_confirmed
The staff export includes a secondary site for staff members teaching at two or more schools
Fields exported:
- First_name
- last_name
- street
- city
- state
- zip
- home_phone
- gender
- grade_level (AD)
- dob
- email_addr
- ethnicity (blank)
- age (blank)
- lunch_status (blank)
- room (blank)
- mother (blank)
- father (blank)
- il_nelb (blank)
- bus_am (blank)
- family_ident (blank)
- residency_confirm (blank)