IEP Information

Individual education plan (IEP) information is available in several places. Below are directions on how and where to find the information. There is also additional details for individual students on a student page under the link IEP Info.

In PowerSchool


  1. Click school>sections
  2. Choose the course
  3. Will show the total number of IEP students in each section


  1. Choose a student
  2. Click modify schedule
  3. Click find
  4. Search for your class
  5. Will show you a IEP classroom percentage


  1. Click Extended Reports
  2. Click “IEP Class Percentages”
  3. This will list the IEP student’s schedules and the percent of classes that are special ed.

Special ED Classes are recognized by have a 5,6, or 7 in the 5th position of the course number

Outside PowerSchool

  1. Open a browser to
  2. Choose “IEP Class Percentages”
  3. This will show you on screen the information about classroom IEP percentages. There is also an export link on the page.

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