Category: Rycor

Summer School in Rycor

Summer School Principals and Secretaries can look up student account balances and run fee reports by building in Rycor. [faq cat_id=”700″]

iPad Students with Balances

At the of each year, staff will need to identify iPad students with outstanding school fees.  This will be accomplished in one of two ways through Rycor. A PDF will each student and status...

Viewing Past Years

Viewing Past Years

The Find Student function in Rycor locates students that were either active at sometime during the current year or who were inactive but had an overpayment or amount due at the beginning of the...

Waived Status & Demographics

Waived Status & Demographics

Families are unable to pay for school fees until demographics have been verified.  Similarly, students are not joined to the Waived group in Rycor until demographics have been verified.

Quick Filters in Student Groups

Student groups in Rycor , such as All Students, grade levels, sports, etc, can be filtered down to only Due Students, Fully Paid Students, or Overpaid Students, in just two clicks.

Email Addresses Used by the Billing System

Email Addresses Used by the Billing System

Periodically, emails are sent from the billing system, “Rycor”, such as account statements.   There are a specific rules used for determining the emails that will be used when sending notices from the billing system.

Declaring a Check NSF

Checks returned as insufficient funds should be marked NSF in Acorn, and then a $20 replacement fee can be added to the account.  If declared NSF, checks will appear with a NSF marking in...